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10/23/2016 - Holy crap it's the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz! i LOVE these guys!!! (By the way, fun fact - "Flying monkeys" is a phrase used in popular psychology mainly in the context of narcissistic abuse. They are people who act on behalf of a narcissist to a third party, usually for an abusive purpose. The phrase has also been used to refer to people who act on behalf of a psychopath for a similar purposeFlying monkeys is a phrase used in popular psychology mainly in the context of narcissistic abuse. They are people who act on behalf of a narcissist to a third party, usually for an abusive purpose. The phrase has also been used to refer to people who act on behalf of a psychopath for a similar purpose!?) Download

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DCC_FanDays_10-2016 (14)_Joanie
DCC_FanDays_10-2016 (18)
DCC_FanDays_10-2016 (19)
DCC_FanDays_10-2016 (21)
DCC_FanDays_10-2016 (17)
  Cheeky_WickedMonkeys (1).JPG - 10/23/2016 - Holy crap it's the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz!  i LOVE these guys!!!  (By the way, fun fact - "Flying monkeys" is a phrase used in popular psychology mainly in the context of narcissistic abuse. They are people who act on behalf of a narcissist to a third party, usually for an abusive purpose.  The phrase has also been used to refer to people who act on behalf of a psychopath for a similar purposeFlying monkeys is a phrase used in popular psychology mainly in the context of narcissistic abuse. They are people who act on behalf of a narcissist to a third party, usually for an abusive purpose.  The phrase has also been used to refer to people who act on behalf of a psychopath for a similar purpose!?)  
Cheeky_WinterIsComing (3)
Cheeky_WinterIsComing (4)
Kids_FL-Day1_11-2016 (40)
Kids_FL-Day2_11-2016 (170)

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